Speech Therapy

System Overview

Speech Therapy uses over 30 voice-activated interactive and entertaining games providing real-time reinforcement of changes in pitch, loudness, voiced and unvoiced phonation, voicing onset, maximum phonation time, sound and vowel tracking.

Speech Therapy is divided into two interactive learning groups:

1) Awareness – teaches children about the attributes of their voice.

2) Skill Builder – gives the user goals to achieve for a given range and time.


  • Creates a fun and engaging environment to further learning and therapy.
  • Our colorful and interactive game-like software offers immediate animated feedback on performance.
  • Enjoy the versatility and unique features of the program.
  • Quickly review the graphical display or statistical data of the user’s performance while they are playing the game.
  • Efficiently calculates therapy time and tracks client's progress with our comprehensive user log system.
  • Real-time recording and playback provides you with tools needed to maximize your client's therapy.


01 Speech Induction

— Real-time measurement of sound, pitch, loudness, voice onset, voiced and unvoiced sounds.

— Engaging training activities using animated cartoons that changed along with real-time parameters (voice, pitch and loudness levels, voice onset, voiced or unvoiced sounds, time duration).

02 Speech Respiration

— Maximum phonation time (MPT) training for treating insufficient respiratory support.

— Voice onset training for the coordination of respiration and phonation treatment.

— Voiced and unvoiced training.

03 Phonation

— Real-time training for pitch (low and high pitch, monopitch).

— Real-time training for intensity (low and high intensity, low intensity variability).

— Vocal therapy for hoarseness, roughness, and breathy voice.